First Time Homeowners Insurance Buyers

Living in Scottsdale, AZ offers ample sunshine, enabling homeowners to take advantage of this abundant natural energy source by installing solar panels. On average, the city experiences over 6 hours of sunshine daily, sufficient for such panels to store energy.

Types of Solar Panels

Solar panels can be installed on a home’s roof or ground-mounted in a yard. In Arizona, a soil assessment is necessary for ground-mounted solar panels to identify and rectify any potential issues before installation.

Grid vs. Non-Grid

A grid system connects to the city’s utility grid, supplying power supplementally if the panels do not generate adequate energy. This system grants credits when the system overproduces. Conversely, non-grid systems are independent of the city’s utility grid and do not provide credits.

Pros of Solar Panels

  • It has reduced energy bills.
  • Added value to a home.
  • Durability and long lifespan (especially for monocrystalline panels).
  • Potential for rebates, incentives, and tax exemptions.

Cons of Solar Panels

  • Solar panels and their installation can be costly.
  • Polycrystalline panels have a shorter lifespan and require more panels to achieve the power capacity of monocrystalline panels.
  • Check with your agent to see if the homeowner’s policy covers leased solar panels as opposed to purchased ones.
  • To offset the cost of the solar system, your current home insurance policy may need to be increased to cover the additional cost.

Contact Homeowners Insurance Group

If you’re considering installing solar panels, guidance through the various options is beneficial. Contact us at Homeowners Insurance Group, where one of our knowledgeable agents can guide you through the steps of solar panel installation and insurance coverage to ensure your assets are adequately protected.